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Optimize For Simplicity First

By Lane Wagner on Aug 15, 2020

We can’t optimize for everything when developing software, so we need to start with something, and that something should be simple code and simple architecture. For example, to over-optimize for speed in JavaScript, we might write our for-loops backwards to the detriment of readability.

I believe we should optimize for simplicity first, and only make complex memory, speed, and abstraction changes as they become necessary.

But muh speed

If it’s slow but readable, I can make it fast. If it’s broken but readable, I can make it work. If it’s impossible to understand, then I have to spend hours trying to understand what the abomination is supposed to do in the first place.

Working, readable software should be the “MVP” of your code. It’s trivial to find a bottleneck in code that’s easy to understand. That slow chunk of code can be optimized for speed when and if it becomes necessary.

Don’t pick languages and frameworks without thinking

There are cases in which it makes sense to take speed seriously upfront. For example, choosing which language or framework to use for a project is a decision that cannot be undone or changed easily. If you choose the wrong language or framework, even if it seems like a simple choice at the time, I can assure you that rewriting all your features into a new stack will be anything but simple.

For example, attempting to write a modern PC game in Ruby on Rails is a fool’s errand.

Memory problems

Do you need Redis? Do you really need Redis? Probably not. In the case of a web API, omit caching on your first iteration. Most servers don’t require in-memory caching to effectively service users. When speed starts to become a problem, implement in-memory caching on the server itself if possible. In terms of overall system complexity, the only thing worse than code dependencies is infrastructure dependencies.

Only add a new database, caching system, queuing server, or NPM module if there are no simpler options.

Abstractions and DRY code

There’s nothing wrong with writing reusable functions, and most well-written functions will be reusable without adding any needless complexity. However, too often I’ve seen developers over-generalize a problem to the detriment of readability.

If there’s currently only one place in your application where a function is being called, don’t worry about making that function the most generalized version of itself. For example, let’s say I have some validation middleware in my Go API:

type apiParams struct {
	OrgID  string
	UserID string

func validateParams(params apiParams) error {
	if params.OrgID == "" {
		return errors.New("OrgID is required")
	if params.UserID == "" {
		return errors.New("UserID is required")
	return nil

A useful function to be sure, but my craving for DRYness may tempt me to do the following:

type apiParams struct {
	OrgID  string
	UserID string

func validateParams(params interface{}) error {
	dat, _ := json.Marshal(params)
	mapParams := map[string]string{}
	json.Unmarshal(dat, &mapParams)

	for k, v := range mapParams {
		if v == "" {
			return fmt.Errorf("%s not found", k)
	return nil

We’ve succeeded in making the code more abstract, now any function can pass in any struct to check if common fields exist! The problem is that I’ve also added new edge cases that will certainly produce bugs under various conditions. For example, what if an integer is passed into my function?

The code was just fine as it was, we had no reason to generalize it. When we finally are forced to create a wider abstraction later we’ll have more information about how to build a good abstraction.

KISS > DRY. When used properly, DRY code will be simpler than it was before, I don’t think these rules-of-thumb are in direct competition.